Enhancing the Development of Resilience in Early Adolescents – Phase 1

A well-planned research initiative into the development of adolescent resiliency will help policy makers adopt good long-term policy strategies


This project will undertake the initial planning phase of a larger study of student resiliency education in Canadian schools. Resiliency has been identified as the skills necessary to navigate psychological, social, cultural and physical resources to sustain well-being in the face of significant adversity. The Learning Partnership (TLP) is undertaking a comprehensive literature review of the existing academic and grey literature studies concerning resiliency and is basing their own research program on this work. TLP is specifically engaged in research targeting youth ages 10-14, when students are seen as particularly vulnerable due to both physical and school transitions. The project is based on the assumption that if schools can foster resilience they will support student’s overall well-being.

Grant Outputs

Enhancing the Development of Resilience in Early Adolescents: Literature Review –

This literature review examines two key questions: What are the protective factors that contribute to fostering resilience in schools, and what is the relationship between resilience factors that threaten children’s well-being and cultural, socio-economic and gender issues. The review identifies gaps in the existing literature and states that while resilience research has been underway since the 1970s, the majority of related studies still focus on interventions intended to fit students into schools and not necessarily to meet the needs of students. It concludes that educators would benefit from receiving more information on resiliency programming and that researchers and schools must be more attentive to the needs and self-reporting of students in order to better serve young people.

Enhancing the Development of Resilience in Early Adolescents: Educators Manual –

This manual outlines how schools can reinforce student resiliency and explains that promoting resiliency, while beneficial for all students, may be especially useful for students who face significant adversity. It outlines seven resilience resources that children use to establish a strong school or community network, including relationships, fair treatment, belonging and purpose, and others. The manual instructs educators to reflect on the risk and protective factors different students face. Promoting resilience in schools is likely to positively affect the children who are the most disadvantaged by providing a safe space, fostering meaningful relationships, and helping children to develop prosocial skills.

Grant Details

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